

Use pip or easy_install:

pip install pep257

Alternatively, you can use source file directly–it is self-contained.

Command Line Interface


Usage: pep257 [options] [<file|dir>...]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e, --explain         show explanation of each error
  -s, --source          show source for each error
  --select=<codes>      choose the basic list of checked errors by specifying
                        which errors to check for (with a list of comma-
                        separated error codes). for example:
  --ignore=<codes>      choose the basic list of checked errors by specifying
                        which errors to ignore (with a list of comma-separated
                        error codes). for example: --ignore=D101,D202
  --convention=<name>   choose the basic list of checked errors by specifying
                        an existing convention. for example:
  --add-select=<codes>  amend the list of errors to check for by specifying
                        more error codes to check.
  --add-ignore=<codes>  amend the list of errors to check for by specifying
                        more error codes to ignore.
  --match=<pattern>     check only files that exactly match <pattern> regular
                        expression; default is --match='(?!test_).*\.py' which
                        matches files that don't start with 'test_' but end
                        with '.py'
                        search only dirs that exactly match <pattern> regular
                        expression; default is --match-dir='[^\.].*', which
                        matches all dirs that don't start with a dot
  -d, --debug           print debug information
  -v, --verbose         print status information
  --count               print total number of errors to stdout

Return Code

0 Success - no violations
1 Some code violations were found
2 Illegal usage - see error message

Configuration Files

pep257 looks for a config file in the root of the project (the common prefix of all checked files) and goes up in the directory tree until it finds one of the following files (in this order):

  • setup.cfg
  • tox.ini
  • .pep257

The first found file is read, and configurations in the [pep257] section are used, if such a section exists.


verbose = true
ignore = D100,D203,D405
explain = true